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Who Are Your 5?

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

After several weeks of late nights with work, illness running through the house and the scramble of getting the kids where they need to be, on-time, I hit the wall. The wall that wouldn’t let me go any further. The wall that said, “Stop, you’ve pushed too hard, for too long, just stop.” The wall that forced me to slow down.

I knew I had to regroup, and refocus on me, but had hard time doing that. I struggled with the feeling that so many people have it much worse than I do. I struggled with the feeling that if I just keep pushing, I will get through the hump. But I stopped and up pops this post on Facebook from Dr. Tanda Cook. So I stopped, listened, reflected and shared.

You need FIVE humans around you:
1. A friend – this is someone who’s holding your hand through thick and thin. They are an ear and a shoulder to cry in. 2. A coach- this is someone who holds you to your highest potential and calls you out on your bullsh*t 3. A mentor- this is someone who you go to for advice, guidance and reasoning when you can’t see the right answers. 4. An accountability partner- this is someone who doesn’t let you get away with excuses and reminds you of what you say you wanted when you have lost sight 5. A cheerleader- someone who will pull you up by your bootstraps, run along side you with pom poms.

Do You Have Your Five?

  • 0%Yes, absolutely!

  • 0%No, I don't and I will get on it!

  • 0%I think...

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