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Nurturing Psychologically Safe Teams: A Call to Action for Leaders in Diverse Work Environments

In today's ever-evolving work landscape, leaders face the critical task of fostering psychologically safe teams, especially in teams that include remote, hybrid, and in-person team members. The Center for Creative Leadership recently wrote an article titled: "What is Psychological Safety at Work," and described psychological safety as "the belief that you won't be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes." The goal being, that the work environment grows from simply one of Inclusion Safety, but transcends Learner Safety, Contributor Safety and finally Challenger Safety.(Clark, 2019)

Why does psychological safety matter in the workplace? Research finds that teams with higher degrees of psychological safety reported higher levels of performance and lower levels of interpersonal conflict. (Center for Creative Leadership, 2023) Navigating this terrain presents unique challenges. In hybrid work environments, for instance, team members may experience feelings of isolation or exclusion. Ensuring that all voices are heard and valued requires deliberate effort. Here is where Emergenetics offers a compelling framework. By appreciating diverse thinking and behavioral preferences, leaders bridge the gaps that can emerge in hybrid settings, creating an inclusive space where every individual feels seen, heard, valued, and respected.

Consider a team where each member, whether remote, hybrid, or on-site, feels a sense of belonging and trust. This environment not only bolsters morale but also translates to enhanced productivity and team cohesion.

Timothy R. Clark underscores that adapting communication styles to individual preferences is pivotal in creating psychological safety (Clark, 2019). Since modes of communication can vary widely, this is more important than ever. Leaders who integrate Emergenetics into their leadership practices equip themselves and their team members to navigate these nuances, ensuring that every interaction is thoughtful and inclusive.

The message is clear: the more we know about ourselves and others, and practically apply the concepts of Emergenetics to understand each person's Thinking and Behavioral preferences, the more we can enhance and elevate team psychological safety.

Want to put this into practice? After you and your team have participated in an Emergenetics Meeting of the Minds workshop, bring the team back together, and begin the "7-Day Psychological Safety Challenge" from the Center for Creative Leadership. Intentionally commit to practicing 7 days of ideas to elevate your team culture (of course, leveraging your insights from Emergenetics to this conversation!)

- Clark, T. R. (2019). The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation. Barrett-Koehler Publishers.
- Center for Creative Leadership. "What is Psychological Safety at Work?" Center for Creative Leadership, Accessed 26 October 2023.
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