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Managing Stress

Exactly one year ago, my daughters and I were at the Capitol Classic volleyball tournament in Washington D.C. 3 days of intense playing, 100,000+ spectators, 1,000+ teams and tens of thousands of players.
On the final day, we ran into a problem. My youngest woke up with a 104 degree fever and missed the championship play, my husband was in-flight, coming home for upgrade training and my oldest daughter, was at the net in game play blocking the opponents hit, but instead of landing solid on two feet, landed on a player from the other side, whose feet had come under the net. My girl tore the ligaments of her right ankle. She was out for 4 months recovering.

Why do I share this? Because last weekend was the 2023 Capitol Classic tournament. My oldest made it though the weekend successfully, my youngest, not as fortunate. She sustained the EXACT SAME INJURY, to the EXACT SAME ANKLE, on the EXACT SAME DAY that my oldest did, 1 year ago, and was ALSO BLOCKING. What are the odds?

When #stressful situations happen, what I do know about myself, is I go into "fix it" mode and have a tendency to create order out of chaos and take charge . That is my go to. But when so many people were trying to take care of my daughter and I could barely get in to see her, I felt helpless and started to flounder. My ability to "fix it" dwindled, so I had to come up with new and creative ways to manage the stressful situation that was happening around me.

A week after the event, I still keep replaying the moment the injury happened, over and over in my mind. I'm reminded of the importance of understanding how we each deal with stress and leveraging our unique strengths to manage challenging situations. My preferences helped me to find #balance and control in a place where I felt very unbalanced and out of control.

The different Emergenetics Thinking Attributes have unique ways of dealing with stress. Analytical Thinkers tend to gather information to alleviate their stress, while Structural Thinkers look for ways to create order and structure to reduce their stress. Social Thinkers, on the other hand, tend to seek support from others to deal with their stress, while Conceptual Thinkers often engage in creative activities to manage their stress. Understanding our thinking preferences can help us develop strategies to cope with stress effectively.

How do you deal with stress through the lens of #emergenetics?
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