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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Among doubts and challenges, I’ve held onto one truth to be true (though it can be tough at times):
Failure will not overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. -Og Mandino
Resilience and unwavering determination are two pieces of the puzzle that have helped me pave my path to success. But part of this journey has been to overcome limiting beliefs, which come from the brain’s desire to protect us from pain in the future. 

According to, a limiting belief is a state of mind or belief about yourself that restricts you in some way. These beliefs are often false accusations you make about yourself that can cause a number of negative results.

If you've ever thought one or all of these, guess what, it's a limiting belief!
  • I’m not good enough

  • My business isn't good enough

  • I'm too old/too young to start

  • I don’t have enough experience

  • I should know this…

Ouch. These statements all come from a place of fear, yet we all have the opportunity and the ability to reframe each of these statements so it is no longer a limiting belief, but it takes conscious effort and energy. It's all about how much you want it!

Here's a helpful process that the team at Asana put together to help us work through our limiting beliefs:
  1. Identify and write them down

  2. Assess the accuracy

  3. Use positive affirmations

  4. Don't give up

And I'll add one of my own...leverage your TRIBE! Thank goodness for mine. My coaches, my mentors, my friends, and my co-workers.  We talk, we share, we turn that negative into a positive, and above all, we never give up.  So now when those limiting beliefs creep in, tell yourself the following instead:

  • I’m good enough and will make this happen

  • My business is what is needed and if I need to shift in the long run, that's ok

  • I'm right where I'm supposed to be at this moment in time

  • I know who I can reach out to, to coach and mentor me

  • It's ok that I don't know this, but I have the support network to help me out

How have you faced and persevered through your limiting beliefs? And… let’s not kid ourselves, we all have them!


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