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End of the Work Day Rituals

This past week, Gretchen Rubin posted on LinkedIn: "Create an end-of-work ritual to signify that the workday is done." I found this a powerful post because I know my line between work and personal life has become increasingly blurred. The separation can help create boundaries and reduce stress but those rituals can look very different from person to person and we may often wonder, "why?" Let's try this on for size;

Leveraging #Emergenetics, I put together a short template on what an end-of-day ritual may look like through each of the Thinking Attributes.

For those with an Analytical Thinking preference, reflecting on data and metrics can be a helpful way to wrap up the day. Perhaps taking a few minutes to review and analyze progress can bring a sense of satisfaction and closure to the workday.

For those with a Structural Thinking preference, a set routine and checklist may be helpful. Consider taking a few minutes to review what was accomplished in the day and then plan for the next day to show up strong and focused the following morning.

For those with a Social Thinking preference, creating a ritual that involves others may be helpful. A short end-of-day ritual could be to give a call to a coworker or a short team check-in to wrap up the day can provide a sense of closure and connection.

Conceptual Thinking preferences may benefit from a more creative approach, such as journaling or stepping away for a walk to allow the creative juices to ebb and flow. This can help process thoughts and emotions and bring closure to the workday in a unique and personal way.

Do you have more that one Emergenetics preference? Maybe a combination of rituals to support closure to your work day, creating space to disconnect, rest, reflect and get ready for the next day. Find what works for you and make it a regular part of your routine. Remember, when we are working through our preferences, we are working in that space that energizes us.

What does your ritual look like and how does it compare to your Emergenetics Preference(s)?

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