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Developing Leaders

Leadership Development is the cornerstone of organizational growth and success, serving as the catalyst for unlocking individual and team potential. It empowers aspiring leaders with the skills, insights, and mindset necessary to navigate the complexities of today's dynamic business landscape.

Rebecca now offers a highly effective Leaership Development program called Lead In 30.

Over 30 days, leaders will utilize a mix of live classes (virtual or in-person), on demand learning, and group huddles. This cohort-based training program requires no more than two hours per week, and leaders can participate wherever they are and whenever works best for them. In short, it’s a program designed to fit easily into any leader’s schedule without distracting from their priorities. 

To learn more, about how this new program develops leaders and improves business outcomes, contact Rebecca or see below.


Explore Lead in 30

Lead In 30 is a revolutionary new leadership development program backed by decades of research and experience that transforms every manager’s ability to lead – in just 30 days.

Using predictable patterns based on management styles, leaders become what we call The 3rd Leader. They create clarity around what matters most. Their team appreciates working for someone with vision. The 3rd Leader builds alignment and understands it’s different than awareness. And they generate movement by doing something we call rewriting the script


The Model

Lead in 30 identifies 3 types of leaders in an organization:

1st Leader:

Lacks focus & vision, may be slow at making decisions and avoids conflict. Nearly 40% of leaders fall in this category.

2nd Leader:

Everything is important, they micromanage and often times create conflict. Nearly 50% of leaders fall in this category.

3rd Leaders: 

Creates clarity builds alignment and generates movement. About 10% of leaders fall in this category.

Think about the positive business incomes that could be generated is ALL of your Leaders built the skills to become a 3rd Leader?

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